Much more than any other random online sports loving community

Sportroop is the #1 platform for you to hangout with other sports freaks

Trending Sports Groups

Where Good conversation become great experiences

Frequently Asked Questions

How to create an account ?
Simply Click on register button and fill in your details to register. You can also register as a guest and if you want to save your messages and your username you can create account later.
How to Delete an account ?
You can contact us at from the same email with which you created account along with your username and we will delete it.
What about my privacy? Is my information secure?
You can read about our privacy policy below and yes all your information is 100% secure as our website is hosted on anonymous server based in Switzerland.
How to leave a group?
Simply click on 3 dots on the left hand side of a group and click on leave group.
Someone is spamming on groups what should i do?
Well our website is designed in such a way that it has built in Profanity and spam filters so they will be automatically banned for some duration depending on various factors. But if you want you can also report that person by clicking on his profile. Our team will review your request.
How to Join a group?
Click on three dots of group you want to join and then select join group.